This lesson will help you answer the following questions:
- What is the pronoun EN in French?
- How to use the pronoun EN in French?
- How to properly use the pronoun "EN" in the context of a conversation?
- What are the common mistakes to avoid when using the pronoun "EN"?
+ Examples of sentences with the pronoun EN in French.


The pronoun EN replaces a quantity:

The pronoun EN replaces an undetermined quantity, of which we do not know the exact number or value.

J’adore manger  du camembert .
J’adore  en  manger.


We replace nouns with EN that are introduced by partitive articles: DU, DE LA, DES, DE L’

Je mange  du fromage .
→ J’ en  mange


Il a acheté  des cerises 
→ Il  en  a acheté


On a  de la salade  dans le frigo
→ On  en   a dans le frigo



We also replace nouns with EN that are introduced by adverbs of quantity such as: a lot, more, enough, few, too much, etc.

L'enfant a mangé trop  de bonbons 
→ L'enfant  en   a trop mangé.


We also replace nouns with EN that are introduced by adverbs of quantity such as: many, more, enough, few, too much, etc.

Cet enfant a mangé trop  de bonbons 
→ Cet enfant  en   a trop mangé.


Il n’y a pas assez  de personnes 
→ Il n’y
 en   a pas assez.


The pronoun EN also replaces specific quantities:

Il possède des milliers  d'étiquettes de camembert .
→ Il
 en  possède des milliers.


⚠️ If a quantity is expressed, it must also be specified even if the pronoun EN is used.

J’ai deux  frères .
→ J’en ai deux.


Il a une quarantaine  de livres 
→ Il en a une quarantaine.


Ma sœur a un  chien 
→ Ma sœur en a un.



⚠️ The pronoun EN is not used only with food. It's true that it is often used to talk about it. However, it replaces any type of quantity.


💡 Reminder: The function of a pronoun is to replace a noun to avoid repeating it and to have shorter sentences.

To use a pronoun, the noun must have been introduced before.

I cannot say without any context: I have a lot of them.

You would definitely be asked: You have a lot of what?

Context is essential. For example:

J’adore  les œuvres d’art . J’en collectionne depuis quelques années maintenant.