I'm sure you've been in French class and said "Je suis très excité d’aller en France" and got a weird look from your teacher.


Yes, because "excité" doesn't have the meaning you think in French.

“Je suis excité(e)” does not have quite the same meaning as in English. You can't say “Je suis excité(e)” when you want to say “I’m excited”.

In French, “Je suis excité(e)” has a sexual connotation. It means that we have a sexual desire (I’m horny). See why you can't use it in French?

You should then avoid saying, for example, “Je suis excité de venir à Paris”. Of course, we'll understand that you are sharing your enthusiasm and not a sexual desire.

BUT, it is true that sometimes some French people say “Je suis excité” as an English speaker would say “I’m excited”.

Obviously, they don't mean that they are sexually excited, no, they mean that they are very excited about an event.

To say in French, "Je suis excité(e)" for "I'm excited" is an anglicism.

Some French people say it. But, I would advise you to avoid using it. You can, by saying it, be in front of someone who is not understanding and who can take what you say the wrong way or make a remark.


As a precaution, you can replace "Je suis excité(e)" with :

J’ai hâte / J’ai trop hâte de (this is the most used expression) : J’ai trop hâte d’être en weekend.

Je suis impatient(e) de : Je suis impatiente de visiter Paris.

Je suis excité(e) comme une puce. So, yes, we can say strangely “Je suis excité(e) comme une puce”. It's an idiomatic expression to express enthusiasm about an event or situation : Je suis excitée comme une puce à l’idée de partir en vacances.

Je suis surexcité(e). Yes, “Je suis surexcité(e)” is strangely less connoted than “Je suis excité(e)” : Mes enfants étaient surexcités quand je leur ai dit qu’on allait à Disneyland.

🇫🇷 I'll see you soon, for new adventures, in French of course.